Our UUV launch and recovery technologies being developed are automated systems for unmanned underwater vehicles to larger vessels (both manned and unmanned). Through in-water testing, these systems have been shown to be capable of repeatable launch and recovery under many different environmental conditions. ATR designs L&R systems to be robust and repeatable and ensure proper restraint of UUVS during capture, interfacing, and retrieval. ATR has designed systems for use with both towed bodies and for controlled capture of untethered UUV systems. ATR makes use of clever mechanical design and interfacing, along with expertise in sensing and controls for smooth and controlled docking.
Recent Government sponsored R&D projects:
- NAVSEA (N0002413R6312), Unmanned Influence Sweep System (UISS), where ATR supported the Prime Contractor and developed a L&R system for tethered MK-104 from Common Unmanned Surface Vehicle (CUSV).
- ONR SBIR (N141-058), High Sea State Automated Deployment and Retrieval of Towed Bodies from a Small Surface Platform, where ATR developed a concept for a variety of towed systems for use aboard the ASW Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV).
- ONR BAA (12-018), USV Payloads for Single Sortie Detect to Engage (SS-DTE), where ATR developed a concept using an automated robotic manipulator to grip the soft-captured man-portable (MP) and lightweight (LW) UUVs from the top and securely move them onto the cradles on the CUSV.
- ONR STTR (N07-T037), High Sea State Automated Deployment and Retrieval of Towed Bodies from a Small Surface Platform, where ATR developed a test prototype for L&R of untethered UUVs from USV. The prototype was tested aboard the WHOI's Tioga in November 2011.

SS-DTE L&R of Untethered UUV REMUS 100 Robotic Gripper In-Water Functional Testing of UISS L&R
NOTICE: Identification of the sponsoring agencies does not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the Government, or its official endorsement of these programs.